Monthly Horoscope
August 2020
$ex & Money make the world go round!
Check your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs for a comprehensive astrology interpretation. Don't know your rising sign, check out my free birth chart calculator.
Sag, Mars in your 5th house and Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn in your 2nd house. WTF, does that mean? Well, make it rain! Ok, not too much, but have some fun. Mars in the 5thhouse will enjoy romantic endeavors, connecting with others, and enjoying life. Mars will be sending a tension aspect to your 2nd House of money and self-esteem so you may have unexpected expenses or simply over-spending on those you love. There can be a tendency to burn through money. If you invest in the stock market or gamble as a hobby, I’d advise you to be more conservative with your mula. Avoid taking big risks as you can lose big. This is a great time to pioneer a creative project or start a self-employment venture. The start won’t be smooth however, this aspect is the what I call the diamond in the rough. Coals when pressured become diamonds, thus pressure one to be worth a diamond. You may also have some issues regarding children or romantic relationships. There might be some extra responsibilities that come up that burst your bubble and prevent the fun to continue. It will work out just go with the flow. If you are feeling stressed, get some or just work out.
New Moon in Leo 8/18/20
New moons represent new beginnings. New zest for knowledge is born. You might be curious to learn more. You might feel an urge to collect information or teach your knowledge. The new moon brings new beginnings. This may bring news of travel or adventure. Great time to study esotericism, astrology, sacred geometry, become a yoga teacher, reiki healer, find a guru, mentor, coach, or simply learn a new skill. Manifest with the moon to achieve acceptance to a university or to complete your education with ease. Traveling to study is a great for this new moon as well.
Venus in the 8th house of sex and partners resources, activates your body and chakra system. Venus in the 8th house of sex will be squared by Mars in the 5th house of romance. There is only one thing on my mind…. No not that... ok that too. But really this is a good time to set intentions regarding attracting money. Maybe you need a loan to purchase something that you
Sagittarius Crystals for the Month:
Aquamarine- soft energy of water and adventure
Citrine- Lucky in travels
Love, Abundance, Luck,

Check out the rest of the zodiac signs (sun, moon, rising) and build your horoscope for August. Click on zodiac signs below.