Calling all Astrology enthusiasts! I've received lots of inquiries on providing astrology mentorships. We are very excited to announce our new mentorship group. I will also be adding private mentorship packages to my services for those whom prefer a more private mentorship in a 1:1 learning style.

What is the Astrology Mentorship Group?
Delve deep into the celestial realm with the Astrology Mentorship Group, tailored for astrology enthusiasts of every level. Whether you’re a budding astrologer or seasoned in reading the stars, our intimate workshops will refine your skills in chart interpretation. Enjoy unparalleled access to AstroKrys, along with seasoned astrologers, as we collaboratively explore and decipher the nuances of participant charts, unraveling their archetypal significance. Led by AstroKrys, each enlightening session focuses on fresh themes and comprehensive chart analyses every month. Join us, and elevate your astrological journey!
Group Outline:
In-depth chart analysis
Small Group 1:8
Participant Questions
Interpretation of challenging aspects
Predictive astrology techniques for consultation
Putting all of the pieces together to tell a story
Current planetary transits
Sign Up Today If You:
Have basic knowledge of astrology and you are looking to hone in on your craft.
Are a astrology student, aspiring professional astrologer, or are looking to build your astrology practice.
Member Benefits:
Access to Recorded Classes for duration of membership
You will have access to AstroKrys
Participant Question or Suggestion Portal
Private Group
Personal chart analysis- your own or your friends, family, or clients. (Name will be anonymous).
Upcoming Astrology Mentorship Group:
We currently meet the second Thursday of the Month, excluding holidays. Schedule is subject to change.
Awesome! Yes, the more I'm learning about astrology, the more I'm liking it!! It's the Sun, the Moon and so much more! 😊
Im in 😊
This is fantastic! I’m looking forward to being a member in this group! You rock CodaQueen!